We can create the stunning decorative floor that your home or business needs.
If you need some help or any other questions, feel free to ask.
Why not go for something a little different? Are you sick of all the same coloured floors? Well, that no longer has to be a problem with Allgrind. Thanks to our experience, skills, artistic nature and our modern advanced techniques, we can create the stunning decorative floor that your home or business needs. With a custom made theme floor, you can change the dynamic, the atmosphere and the impression of your home or workplace. When the time comes to go for something different, come to the experts at Allgrind.
Allgrind can create stunning images where you never thought possible. No longer think of your floor as mundane, but a canvas awaiting your ideas. We can do logos, photos, corporate colours and much more. You should always look to change the floors of your home when you can. And we can do it for you. We have had a wild ride with customers asking to have everything from football teams to film posters plastered and embedded in their floors. And each time they’ve asked for their special logo, we’ve achieved the perfect result for them. With us in charge, you can expect us to deliver the new theme floors that you want so bad. Trust us to deliver and you will notice the difference with our experts in charge of your themed floors.